Thursday, October 1, 2009

The cure to my headache.

This past week I've been in a workout rut. I've been exhausted and have been battling massive headaches. I thought maybe I was getting sick and needed the rest? I got plenty of rest. Took naps when the toddler did, etc. Still not sick and wasn't feeling better. I know for sure I'm not preggo, so we can all count that out! Maybe not enough water? Nope wasn't that.

I'm sure we all know when you feel like crap the LAST thing you want to do is go for a run. Workout. Or push yourself in general. I've been complaining to my dear hubby about how tired I am. How unmotivated I feel. The lack of energy...etc. His response most time is force yourself to go for a run or do a workout while "Easy" is sleeping. He's always telling me I will feel so much better. Blah. That's NOT what I wanted to hear!

Well, today the headache was getting bad. All I wanted to do was crawl back into bed and close my eyes. Obviously I couldn't do that with a very rambunctious toddler running around wanting to be entertained. And I've tried that all week. Didn't work. Soooo I did it. I made myself sweat it out and do the The Shred with my head pounding and all. Jumped in the shower, and BAM! My headache is gone!!!

The lesson: I've yet again realized how amazing working out is for your mind, body, and soul! It truly is incredible. I feel a million times better and excited to go for a jog tonight.


  1. true dat - I can't wait to run again. to be active and to feel light on my feet! Soon enough, soon enough.

  2. thats so interesting!!! I bought a jogging storller and never once used it to jog! Im so bad
    If you would like come check out my blog and enter my current giveaway at
    I hope you decided to follow me because I try to bring my readers a new and AMAZING giveaway every Monday!

  3. I just wanted to stop by and let you know I have a running sleeve giveaway which ends today if your interested.

    and I will posting another giveaway this evening for a women's wicking long sleeve shirt.

  4. I find that the water I drink when working out through a headache is what helps - I often don't drink enough water and I bet I'm borderline dehydrated most of the time.
